K.I.G. Ground Maintenance

Lawn Mowing

Not all lawns are the same. Each have their own characteristics and needs. Lawncare We understand the needs of lawns in New England, how to properlycare for them, and the best lawn moving techniques that keep your lawn looking beautiful.

Our moving equipment if kept clean and our blades shape in order to provide a precise cut. We monitor and adjust our deck heights as per the needs of each property so that your lawn is strong and disease resistent. In addition we vary our mowing patterns to prevent lines, ruts, and excessive wear.

Lawn Rejuvination, Hydroseeding and Overseeding

New England weather is hard on lawns. Home improvements often leave lawns damaged or in need of rebuilding. As a result KIG provides all of the services necessary to rebuild or repair your lawn.

Aeration and Dethatching

Your lawn needs room to grow in order to look it’s best. Dead grass (thatch), leaves, and other debris can choke your lawn, stunting the growing cycle. Aeration (small hole soil exposure) and dethaching can solve these problems.

Bed Maintenance, Edging & Mulching

The best lawn looks half complete without proper edging and planting bed maintenance. Why put all that time and energy into a health, green lawn and neglect the finishing touches? Edging, Mulching, and annual/perannual flower planting will put the finishing touches on a yard you can be proud of.